
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is it possible to know all the chords in the whole wide world?

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Is it possible to know all the chords in the whole wide world?

All the chords in the whole wide world

Dear Priti:

     Have you ever wondered how many piano chords there are? I'm sure you know many chords, but are there lots more just waiting to be discovered?

     An interesting experiment is to ask people how many chords there are in music. You'll be surprised to find out that most musicians don't do any better at answering that question than non-musicians.

     Why do you suppose is that?

     It is probably because it sounds like one of those questions such as "How many grains of sand on the seashore are there?", or "How many stars are there in the sky?"

     And in a sense it is, but in another sense, we can get a fairly accurate sense of chord population just by calculating all the chord types and then multiplying them by the number of inversions that are possible and the number of octaves that are possible on any given instrument.

     This 2-hour DVD covers all the ways of forming chords. There are only so many ways of combining notes, and this DVD video explores the almost infinite variations a piano player can use to create their own, distinctive chord sounds.

     Along with the DVD you'll get a "picture book of chords" that shows over one thousand chords -- everything from diminished chords to chords with sharp 9ths and flat 7ths, plus 11th and 13th chords -- and then on the DVD Duane shows you how to voice the chords in various ways ("voice" means to position them on the keyboard for certain sounds) and combine certain chords for polytonality. You'll also learn about suspensions, alterations, "slash chords", tone clusters, and more. Having this DVD and book is like having a dictionary -- absolutely necessary!

  • all major chords

  • all minor chords

  • all diminished chords

  • all augmented chords

  • all 6th chords

  • all minor 6th chords

  • all 7th chords

  • all minor 7th chords

  • all 7th with aug 5th chords

  • all 7th with flat 5th chords

  • all minor 7th with flat fifth chords

  • all diminished 7th chords

  • all major 7th chords

  • all major 7th chords with aug 5th

  • all major 7th chords with flat 5th

  • all major 7th chords with flat 3rd and flat 5th

  • all major 7th chords with flat 3rd and sharp 5th

  • all 9th chords with all their variations (flat 5th, maj 7, etc.)

  • all 11th chords

  • all 13th chords

  • and most of all, a complete explanation of ALL chords, so you will UNDERSTAND FOREVER!

    In two hours you will know more about chords than even most musicians know! You'll never again wonder about chords -- the answers are both on the DVD so you can SEE and HEAR all the chords, as well as illustrated in picture form in the book!

    Come on over to All The Chords In The Whole Wide World! and take a look.



PS The web site is at

Keyboard Workshop, PO Box 700, Medford, OR 97501, United States

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Take proper diet to prevent heart disease

Heart disease kills not only the elderly. Is the leading cause of death for all Americans over 35 years. Heart disease more common in the United States is coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks.

The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking measures to prevent and control risk factors that put people at greater risk for heart disease and heart attacks. The most important risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity and poor nutrition

A healthy diet for your heart is a relatively unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables, rice or grains, which retain most of its basic structure of origin. In food production, for example, when the decision noodles or flour, we lose 60 to 95% of the nutrients most heart health.

Deliver fresh eggs, and fish are also good for the heart. We recommend that five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to prevent heart disease. Natural unprocessed foods such as coconut oil is best. Pacific Islanders take diet rich in coconut, rare heart disease.

Heart disease is caused by atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis develops primarily because of damage to the lining of the arterial wall. The damage can be caused by toxins, free radicals, viruses and bacteria.

Research has shown a link between chronic bacterial and viral infections and atherosclerosis. Some herpes viruses and bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori and Chlamydia pneumoniae have been shown to participate in the development of arterial plaque in the arteries leading to atherosclerosis.

The medium fatty acids in coconut oil can kill bacteria and viruses that cause chronic infections. Coconut oil also acts as an antioxidant that prevents free radicals from damaging cells and tissues.

Therefore, coconut oil protects arteries from damage caused by bacteria, viruses and free radicals. To protect the arteries from further damage, coconut oil prevents heart disease and allows the body to heal the walls of blood vessels.

Protect your immune system and nourish health with virgin coconut oil

Best Fat Burning Diet Supplements

In a desperate attempt to lose weight, people are attracted by the multi-billion dollar food market, which promises fast results with little effort. Almost all of these pills are no more effective than placebo, and some are dangerous, increasing the chances of heart attack. The information presented at the International Conference on Obesity concludes that there is no evidence that diet pills herbal achieve sustainable results in weight loss.

It is important to understand that there is no magic pill that will miraculously disappear book and a reduced calorie diet and regular exercise are the foundation of any attempt to permanent weight loss.

Researchers at weight loss have identified the most important natural nutrients that have proven effective in promoting weight loss in combination with proper nutrition and physical activity. As we try to make a commitment to a healthy lifestyle to lose weight again, try to add more than one of these forces


Resveratrol increases fat-burning metabolism

Resveratrol has gained a reputation as a drug to prolong life, found naturally as food that protects the skin of grapes, wine, grape juice, peanuts and berries. It can mimic caloric restriction in animals, prevention of obesity and provide critical defense against cancer, diabetes and certain.

BMC Physiology Research provides the crucial link of how resveratrol helps weight loss by increasing the basal metabolic rate of 29%. This means that the body uses more calories nearly a third break. This gives a big boost to the metabolism of fat, especially when combined with reduced calorie intake and controlling the timing of meals by intermittent fasting.

Coenzyme Q-10 increases cellular energy

Coenzyme Q-10 is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that each cell uses to burn fuel for energy. Nutrients stimulate metabolism and increases energy and stamina, which corresponds to an increased ability to burn fat and lose weight.

Many people take co-enzyme Q-10 to give a boost to your energy level, without knowing that it also works naturally with the mobile network to mobilize the release of the storage of body fat. To optimize the effect of CO Q10 severely limiting refined carbohydrates, sweets and fried foods from your diet.

The alpha-lipoic acid helps control blood sugar and insulin

The alpha-lipoic acid has become the most powerful antioxidants that are used by the body, and demonstrates an uncanny ability to help reduce visceral fat. Visceral fat stored around organs and is associated with increased risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

The alpha-lipoic acid helps the body respond better blood glucose and improves insulin function. This is important because blood sugar spikes leads to continued metabolic syndrome and the conversion of triglycerides in the blood of abdominal fat.

Billions of dollars are spent each year in the relentless barrage of weight loss supplements, fad diets and bariatric surgery, which simply does not provide a way to permanent weight loss, and can also be damaging their health. Weight loss is only possible through a strong commitment to improving diet and regular exercise. selective supplements with natural foods can provide extra support to help you achieve your goal of health goals.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

Maintaining an overall healthy diet not only offers your body the energy and nutrition that it needs to function, but offers several health benefits as well. Below is a list those foods that are the best for you body, and the health benefits that those foods provide.
Fruits and Vegetables
Health Benefits

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables as an overall healthy diet may...

* reduce risk for stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.
* reduce risk for type 2 diabetes.
* protect against certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer.
* reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.
* help decrease bone loss and reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.


* No fruits or vegetables have cholesterol, and most are naturally low in fat and calories.
* Vegetables are a great source for potassium, dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C.
* Fruits are a great source for nutrients such as potassium, dietary fiber, vitamin C and folic acid.
* Diets rich in potassium may help to maintain healthy blood pressure.
* Dietary fiber helps reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease. Fiber is important for proper bowel function. Fiber-containing foods such as vegetables help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories.
* Folic acid (folate) helps the body form red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume adequate folic acid, including folic acid from fortified foods or supplements.
* Vitamin A keeps eyes and skin healthy and helps to protect against infections.
* Vitamin E helps protect vitamin A and essential fatty acids from cell oxidation.
* Vitamin C helps heal cuts and wounds and keeps teeth and gums healthy.
* Vitamin C also aids in iron absorption.

Whole Grains

Grains, especially whole grains, provide several health benefits. Grains provide essential nutrients and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.
Health Benefits

Eating a diet high in grains, especially whole grains, as an overall healthy diet may ...

* help with weight management.
* reduce constipation.
* reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.


* Grains provide many nutrients such as dietary fiber, B vitamins and minerals.
* Dietary fiber may help reduce blood cholesterol levels and lower risk of heart disease.
* B vitamins are essential for your metabolism by helping your body release energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates.
* Folic acid helps the body form blood cells and is especially important for women of childbearing age who may become pregnant.
* Magnesium from whole grains helps build bones and release energy from muscles.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Urgent: Drop your BP 9.1 points in 28 days




Researchers discovered that this safe and non-aggressive natural formula can lower blood pressure by an average of 10.6 points systolic and 9.3 points diastolic in a matter of weeks.

Some patients even dropped their BP by 9.1 points in just 28 days.

What's more, it has no side effects and can even be safely used in conjunction with existing medication..

If you're one of the millions who suffer from high blood pressure – or have just been diagnosed as pre-hypertensive by your doctor – then you'll already know the serious problems that high blood pressure can cause.

It's a constant threat that hangs over you day in day out... like being bullied from the moment you wake up.

Blood pressure drugs – such as ACE inhibitors, diuretics and beta blockers – might help control it initially, but they all come with a long list of pretty unpleasant side effects: like kidney damage, gastro-intestinal bleeding, headaches, impotence, hyperglycaemia (particularly bad news if you happen to be diabetic)... or even good old-fashioned cardiac arrest.

And you certainly don't want to be taking these drugs over a long period of time if you can help it. 
and discover how you can tap into probably the single most important advance for patients with high blood pressure in the last 20 years.

And start getting your blood pressure bully off your back!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Discover the antibacterial properties of manuka honey

In Today's Issue

  • Discover the antibacterial properties of manuka honey


Is this forgotten Nobel Prize-winning discovery our last hope against superbugs?

Discover nature's secret weapon against bacteria that can protect against MRSA, C.Difficile, E.Coli and other superbugs...

Learn all about the device that will allow you to kill bacteria and viruses on-the-spot - any time, anywhere!

Here at the Health Sciences Institute we receive many letters from readers who are due to go into hospital, or know a loved one who is, and are worried about the threat that deadly super bugs like MRSA pose.

And it's no wonder, as more and more patients are developing this infection, which is unresponsive to antibiotics and other forms of topical treatment.

That's why I'm bringing you this report on the incredible healing powers of manuka honey, which among other things has been found to be effective against MRSA. In addition, it's also beneficial against Helicobacter pylori infections (such as peptic ulcers and gastritis), diabetic foot ulcers, post-surgical wounds… you name it, this honey can probably heal it.

Manuka honey is derived from the manuka bush – a shrub in the tea tree family, which is indigenous to New Zealand (with a close relative in some parts of Australia), and which only blooms for three weeks out of the year. This is not your typical honey, although all types of honey demonstrate antiseptic ability to some extent.

The science behind history's sweetest bacteria-buster

In order to fully grasp how manuka honey works, it helps to understand the antiseptic properties of ordinary honey first. These are due to several factors. The first of these is honey's osmotic – or water-withdrawing – effect. Not only does its ability to draw fluid from tissues give wounds a moist healing environment (absolutely necessary for new tissue growth) but it also draws harmful bacteria out and away from the point of infection.

Moreover, honey's fructose and glucose molecules interact strongly with water, leaving very few H2O molecules "free." This inhibits the growth of the many strains of bacteria that require interaction with water in order to multiply. Nevertheless, there are still strains of bacteria that thrive under such conditions – so this quality alone can't offer complete protection.

Another healing aspect of ordinary honey is its acidity. The ideal pH range for the sustained growth of most pathogens is between 7.2 and 7.4. With a pH of between 3.2 and 4.5, however, the environment that honey creates around a wound is effectively hostile toward bacteria. But unfortunately, when diluted by bodily fluids of a higher pH, honey's natural acidity is reduced, preventing it from reaching deeper tissue and making for a much less reliable antibacterial agent.

The third and most noteworthy element of honey's curative ability is its hydrogen peroxide content that is produced after bees secrete glucose oxidase into the nectar. However, the antibacterial capabilities of this hydrogen peroxide are short-lived, as during the process of maturation the honey's acidity will cause the hydrogen peroxide to decompose by rendering glucose oxidase virtually inactive. For this reason, full-strength honey does not offer significant protection from bacteria.

All things considered, there's no doubt that honey is a great thing to keep around the house for minor cuts or burns – and even for treating more serious conditions if handled correctly – but its limitations are also pretty clear. An ointment for stubborn post-surgical wounds and severe bedsores would have to be leaps and bounds more powerful – not to mention stable enough as to be impervious to outside factors such as temperature, light, moisture and age. And that's where the phytochemicals in manuka honey set it apart.

Manuka honey succeeds where other types of honey fail

Unlike other varieties of honey, manuka has an additional antibacterial property that isn't attributable to acidity, osmolarity, or the activity of hydrogen peroxide – evidenced primarily by its being twice as effective as other forms of honey against certain types of aggressive bacteria, including E. coli and MRSA (J Appl Bacteriol. 1992 Nov; 73(5): 388-94).

One of its advantages is that dilution doesn't affect its antibacterial activity, so all of its original acidity is spared. It also doesn't require oxygen – making it ideal for dressings and the cavities of deep wounds. And most importantly, its activity is unaffected by the enzymes present in wound fluid – which is one of the major shortcomings of other types of honey in this context (J Pharm Pharmacol. 1991 Dec; 43(12):817-22).

Manuka honey also has other health benefits – including an ability to help combat gastric ulcers. A study performed by Professor of Biochemistry Dr Molan and his team at The Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, showed that five different biopsies of gastric ulcers all responded positively when exposed to a solution consisting of 20 per cent manuka honey. A 40- per cent solution of another type of honey (the antibacterial activity of which relied on hydrogen peroxide alone) elicited no response at all (J R Soc Med. 1994 Jan;87(1):9-12).

Further research has revealed that a solution consisting of as little as 5 per cent active manuka is still capable of delivering significant protection – most likely, the research team concluded, due to the inhibition of helicobacter pylori, something which may explain one of honey's traditional uses as a treatment for dyspepsia.

In another study conducted over a 21-day trial period, 30 volunteers were assigned to chew or suck on either sugarless gum or a chewable form of manuka honey for ten minutes, three times a day, in order to assess the possible effects the honey might have on gingivitis and plaque. At the end of the trial, both plaque scores and bleeding sites were significantly reduced in the manuka group. No significant changes were noted in the control group (J Int Acad Periodontol. 2004 Apr;6(2):63-7).

To benefit from manuka honey, take two to three teaspoonfuls (10-15g) before meals.

Discover a simple way to slow down age-related memory loss...




  Dear Reader,

You spent a half hour looking for your keys.

When you finally got to the supermarket, you realized your list was sitting by the door at home.

You tried to remember everything, but it turns out you forgot a few things on the list — including everything you needed to make dinner tonight.

Does this sound like a typical trip to the store for you? Do you feel like your memory just isn't what it used to be?

It's a fact of life, though, right? The older we get, the worse our memories are. Sure — but that doesn't mean we can't slow it down.

And the first step could be as easy as adding a couple of supplements to your daily routine.

Research at Oxford University recently showed that daily supplementation with high doses of certain B vitamins can cut the rate of brain shrinkage in half for older people who have mild memory problems.

In fact, this is the largest study that's been conducted on the effect of B vitamins on mild cognitive impairment. About half of people with mild cognitive impairment go on to develop dementia within five years of diagnosis of the initial impairment.

What are those certain vitamins? Folic acid, B6 and B12. They're known to control levels of homocysteine, high levels of which are associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's.

Over the course of the 2-year study, 168 volunteers over 70 years old took either a high-dose vitamin B complex or a placebo tablet every day. People with the highest levels of homocysteine showed the most benefit from the Bs. Overall, those taking the B vitamins showed a brain-shrinkage rate that was half that of people taking the placebo.

Researchers also conducted memory tests that confirmed stronger scores were related to slower brain shrinkage.

Continues below...

Free report: How to read your body like a book

Dark circles under your eyes? A diagonal crease across your earlobe? Wrinkles that run vertically down your forehead? . . .

There are warning signs written all over your body that may point directly to a larger problem with your health.

Learn how to read these secret signs - and heal the underlying problem - with the help of one of the world's greatest pioneers of natural and nutritional medicine.

Nutritional changes could relieve Parkinson's symptoms

Q: My father has Parkinson's, and I've been trying to convince him of the power of nutrition in fighting the disease. Can you help me?

Dr. Jonathan V. Wright: Several years ago, researchers in Brazil examined a group of 31 Parkinson's patients and found that every single one had a riboflavin deficiency — even though their dietary sources (like liver, almonds, and spinach) were adequate. The researchers asked the patients to stop eating all red meat and to take 30 milligrams of riboflavin every eight hours.

After six months, the patients' functional motor capacity increased nearly 30 percent. Tests for riboflavin deficiency had also normalized in all the patients, and there were no side effects.

The researchers didn't explain why they felt it was necessary for the patients to eliminate red meat in addition to correcting the riboflavin deficiency. But I've found that nearly all individuals with Parkinson's have trouble digesting animal protein, especially red meat, so perhaps this has something to do with it.

Six months without a steak might sound like a lot. But given the possibility of very significant improvement in motor function, it's worth eliminating it for a six-month trial. And keep in mind that the elimination is usually only temporary: If you do get positive results, you can probably add red meat back into your diet eventually and increase your riboflavin dosage to maintain the improvement. If you decide to try this approach, don't forget to "back up" the riboflavin with the entire B-complex.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Magnificent 7 anti-ageing herbs that help lower your risk of age-related diseases

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In Today's Issue

  • FREE 184-page book - Exclusive to readers of The Health Science Institute

  • The Magnificent 7 anti-ageing herbs that help lower your risk of age-related diseases

  • Download your FREE Arthritis Report now!


Imagine feeling twice as energetic... as healthy as you did in your thirties... several pounds lighter… physically robust... and more relaxed than ever before?

Well, if you’ve had enough of looking old, feeling tired, and making excuses for why you can't play golf or tennis with your friends - or hide-n-seek with your grandchildren – then take a look at this FREE 184-page book. . .

Click here to find out more

The Magnificent 7 anti-ageing herbs that help lower your risk of age-related diseases like cancer, macular degeneration and dementia

Dear Reader,

Today's theme is about anti-ageing. . . . but just before I tell you about some great anti-ageing tips, I'd like you to have this complimentary special report 'New solutions for Beating Arthritis'.

It's just to say an additional 'thank you' for continuing your membership of the Health Sciences Institute and for allowing us to send you this Daily Health newsletter.

From time to time I'll be sending you additional FREE special reports on a range of health subjects. I hope you will find this report and all the future reports helpful in achieving optimum wellbeing. Please also feel free to circulate this to anyone who might find it useful.

Click here to open the report as a PDF file

And now, on with today's news. . . .

More and more people are turning to anti-ageing creams and cosmetic surgery in their quest to look younger. But the fact remains that the best sort of anti- ageing therapy should focus on providing and supporting a healthy longevity. In other words, the issue is not so much about how old you look, but rather that you live a long and healthy life.

To achieve this you should follow an anti-ageing programme that helps prevent the diseases most commonly associated with ageing such as macular degeneration, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Here are 7 well-researched herbs that can help you live to a ripe old age and reduce your risk of developing an age-related ailment.

  1. Ginkgo biloba.

    The herb ginkgo biloba is well known for its ability to improve memory and concentration, especially in older people. Better still, recent researchers have found that Ginkgo can protect brain cells and enhance their survival too (Cell Mol Biol 2002; 48(6): 693-697; Cell Mol Biol 2002; 48(6): 613-623). In addition to its benefits in existing cases of Alzheimer's disease, which have already been established in a number of clinical trials, Ginkgo is also the No. 1 herbal candidate for preventing the disease (Arch Neurol 1998; 55(11): 1,409-1,415). Take 120mg of standardised ginkgo biloba extract a day.

  2. Bilberry.

    A common problem associated with ageing is vision loss. In particular, a condition known as macular degeneration is a major cause of blindness in older people. Research has shown that bilberry has beneficial effects on the micro- circulation of blood in the retina and can help to prevent its degeneration. When combined with Ginkgo, which has been shown on its own to reduce macular degeneration in clinical trials, this is a particularly powerful combination (Wien Med Wochenschr 2002; 152(15-16): 423-426). The recommended dosage is one to two capsules a day.

  3. Turmeric.

    Turmeric is commonly used as an ingredient in curries as a spice. Studies have shown that the phytochemicals in turmeric are powerful antioxidants that can help prevent cancer (Curr Pharm Des 2002) 8(19); 1695-1706). Researchers have also linked the reduced incidence of Alzheimer's in Indian villages – where just one per cent of those aged 65 and older contract the degenerative brain condition – with the regular intake of turmeric in the Indian diet (Neurosci 2001, 21: 8370-8377). The recommended dosage is 500mg of standardised turmeric extract once a day.

  4. Garlic.

    Heart disease is a major killer in the Western world. Clinical trials have shown that garlic can lower risk factors associated with the development of heart disease such as high cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood pressure (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 2002; 229/230: 46-48). Take 600mg a day.

  5. Korean or Chinese Ginseng.

    Ginseng is well-known in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a longevity-promoting herb. Research has shown that it helps the body cope better with stress and also optimises the functioning of many bodily systems (Mills S, Bone K. Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2000, pp 418-432). But recent studies out of Korea have added another significant development to our understanding of this highly prized herb. Studies there have shown that people who consume ginseng on a regular basis have a lower incidence of cancer. Take 500mg a day.

  6. Schisandra.

    Research has focused on the schisandra berry's value in improving liver function, especially the capacity of the liver to detoxify and remove foreign chemicals from the body (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 2003;245: 108- 112). Exposure to such foreign chemicals is becoming an increasingly important issue as the use of pesticides, herbicides and synthetic food additives becomes more and more widespread. Just a hundred years ago, the demands on the liver to detoxify these agents were substantially lower than they are now.

    If these agents are not detoxified adequately, they can impair immune function and possibly even cause more harmful effects, such as increasing the likelihood of cancer. It is best to purchase a product that contains a standardised extract of Schisandra chinensis, in order to guarantee that you are receiving enough of the active ingredients. Because strengths can vary so much from product to product, please check individual product labels for details regarding dosage.

  7. Echinacea.

    The most potent part of the plant and most extensively studied is the root, which has been found to possess antibacterial and immune-boosting properties – helping to fight coughs, colds, viral infections, as well as upper respiratory tract and vaginal infections (Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2000,(2):CD000530; Hopfenmuller W., Arzneimittelforschung,1994:44 1005-13).
Given that most of the degenerative diseases now have some link with immune function, the importance of maintaining a healthy immune system is more important for healthy longevity than ever before. Echinacea is taken three to four times a day, depending on the preparation – see individual product labels for dosage instructions.

Feeling better, living better

While none of these herbs can promise to smooth out your wrinkles or erase the grey from your hair, they can help your body keep functioning at peak performance. This means you'll feel better overall – and feeling better means living better, well into old age. And that's what I call anti-ageing.

Yours, in good health,

Rachael Linkie
UK Editor
Health Sciences Institute

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