MARCH MADNESS HALF PRICE SALE Hurry - Only 3 days left to save!  |  |  |  | $59.99 $29.99 | $59.99 $29.99 | $44.99 $22.50 | $59.99 $29.99 |
Maximise your performance and halve your spending? Yes, you can! But only until midnight on 29th March. The countdown to the end of March Madness is on... and if you haven't already claimed your 50% saving, then you'll have to be pretty quick about it. This offer was created for committed athletes, coaches and sports therapists, who want to get their hands on the latest nuggets of sports science knowledge and wipe the floor with the competition. Avoid disappointment and head to the shop RIGHT NOW to get the books, courses and workbooks that will help turn you into a force to be reckoned with. Click here to go straight to the shop and get your half price books TODAY. Need helping pick the right one for you? Here's John Shepherd – former international athlete and long-time Peak Performance contributor – with today's March Madness pick: DAY FOUR – PEAK PERFORMANCE WRITER'S PICK "Running a marathon is not only on the fitness 'tick' list of tens of thousands of runners, it's also something that the 'non-fit' population will often aspire to. The Peak Performance Marathon Training Programme is designed for relatively serious runners, those who want to be serious runners, and those with a background of team sports. It aims to get you around in 4 hours - a very respectable time indeed! The dropout rate from marathon training programmes is alarmingly high. The main reason is that many plans try to pack too much running into too short a period of time. Four, five or even six runs per week leave little room for any other training and this can lead to injury. There's little point packing in the miles only to get to your big day carrying an injury - or not even get there at all. This expert plan from Peak Performance is therefore designed around three weekly running sessions, which are complimented by two or three other cross training workouts, such as weight training and swimming. Variety is key; not only will this develop your all-round fitness, but it will keep your training fresh and interesting, plus reduce potential injury. Four very detailed six-week blocks of training are provided, which progress from running 5k to 10k, to a half marathon and marathon. Details of pace are provided so that you train in the right zones, to maximise your training adaptation. Numerous tips are also presented along the way that addresses nutrition, racing targets and even kit. Follow this expert training plan and your race will not be quite such a marathon effort." Click here to visit the shop and discover more about the Marathon Training Programme – now 50% off!  John Don't forget, you save 50% on EVERYTHING in our shop. Order your copy of the Marathon Training Programme now and receive the following additional benefits: - $25.01 saving: the special price of the Marathon Training Programme is a full US$25.01 less than the official cover price. During March Madness, you pay just $24.99, instead of the normal price of $50.00.
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To order your copy, simply click here to be taken to our shop. Click 'add to cart' and then when you're finished shopping, proceed to the checkout and you will be taken to our secure site, which is administered and guaranteed by Worldpay, to enter your details. This offer must end midnight on 29th March 2011 ... SO HURRY! Save a massive 50% START SHOPPING NOW |
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