
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Are there still any honest doctors out there?

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In Today's Issue

19 April 2011
  • Eliminate gut or bowel problems forever in just 90 days!

  • Are there still any honest doctors out there?

  • Enhance your memory, increase longevity, slow ageing and lower stress…

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Are There Still Any Honest Doctors Out There?

Dear Reader,

Here's a simple question, which requires a basic 'Yes' or 'No' answer...

Do you trust your doctor?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking the question in order to launch yet another full-on scathing attack on the mainstream... In fact, I'm only asking it to make you think about your answer.

I remember, back when I was a young boy, how our family doctor was regarded to be a trusted friend of the family... after all, he dealt with all our complaints, whims, illnesses and worries... and we were a family of 7! I must admit, he did a brilliant job at keeping us all healthy and happy.

On a tight schedule

That was 30-odd years ago and since then times have changed... medicine has changed and as we all know, Big Pharma's grip has tightened on the medical profession, turning almost everyone into Pharma Guinea Pigs!

Many doctors' surgeries are run like shrewd and heartless businesses... "The doctor can only see you between 9 and 2 next week Thursday"...making you feel more like a number in a queue than an actual patient. Then when you finally do get an appointment, your consultation can feel like you're on a meter, putting pressure on you not to go over your permitted 15 minute time slot.

On top of that, you're often prescribed side effect ridden drugs for every complaint... which can make you feel uneasy (to say the least) when you learn, for example, that doctors are financially incentivised to get your cholesterol below certain levels with statin drugs.

I am sure you all know what I am talking about...

This leads me to believe that some of you, at least, may have answered 'No' to my initial question...

However, you may be surprised to know that there are still doctors out there who aren't running on such a tight schedule that they can't treat their patients like human beings first and foremost... who make every effort to put their patients' health and well-being first...

One such doctor is Dr. John Briffa, a contributing editor on our blog The Cholesterol Truth... In his most recent post, he frankly discusses the dangers of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs and how they can have a devastating effect on the health and wellbeing of the millions of people taking them.

Perhaps the biggest eye-opener is that Dr. Briffa doesn't mince his words when he explains why so many people are being fobbed-off by their doctors when they express their concerns about statin side-effects... I have a feeling that the same reasons apply to almost any other prescription drug...

To read Dr. Briffa's latest post, click here:

Continues below...
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...and another thing

A healthy diet can help the body in its efforts to heal itself. In some cases, certain foods can even help lessen disease symptoms. To help reduce the effects of chronic fatigue syndrome (symptoms include debilitating fatigue, impaired memory, sore throat, muscle or joint pain, headaches and other maladies), try the following:

* Decrease your protein intake to only 10 per cent of your daily calories. For instance, beans make a terrific replacement for red meat (a rich source of protein and iron) but beans are lower in calories and are nearly fat-free. In addition, beans place less stress on the digestive system than red meat does, requiring less energy to digest. In other words, you're a lot more likely to feel tired and heavy after eating a steak than you are after eating a serving of beans.

* Eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables (preferably organic like blueberries, cranberries, cherries, apple, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, and broccoli) for their protective phytochemicals.

* Eat garlic regularly for its antiviral effects.

* Incorporate immune-enhancing mushrooms into meals, including shiitake, oyster, enokidake and maitake mushrooms.

Until next time,

Francois Lubbe
UK Editor

P.S. In this month's Health Sciences Institute (HSI) newsletter, you'll discover how an all-natural formula can help keep your blood sugar in balance. You'll also learn how a cutting-edge new breakthrough can alleviate the distressing symptoms of hay fever... with spring on the way and experts warning of a particularly bad allergy season this summer, this brand new formula will bring much-needed relief to many sufferers...

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Click here for full details.


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