
Friday, April 22, 2011

Serious about Speed? Get faster this Easter

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Targets to achieve this


Serious about speed? Race your way to success with the 'secrets' of sprint training.

Our 3 month program tells you exactly what to do
to go fast... how to do it... and why.

And it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee,
so you can't lose.

Over the next few days, we'll reveal our tried and tested performance-boosting targets which you can achieve this Easter Weekend

Dear Sports Performance Bulletin Reader,

2011 is going to be your year.

How do I know this? Because I'm going to help you, whatever your sport.

And what better time to start than right now.

With the Easter Weekend comes the perfect opportunity to make a fresh start in your sport, event or training and focus on the areas that will have the biggest impact on performance, whether you're a committed athlete or a coach.

Here at Peak Performance, we've got the tools to make that happen.

Whether you want to get faster, build up more muscle and strength, or start training for a triathlon, we've got the right programme for helping to turn you into a formidable competitor.

With the breakthrough sports science 'secrets' inside these tried-and-tested training materials, the results will come thick and fast. And that's guaranteed. (Or you'll get your money back.)

Make 2011 the year you realise your full sporting potential and take to the winner's podium.

Let's get started with today's first target: achieving more speed.

Make 2011 your fastest year yet!

Athletes always benefit from having more speed.

Because whether you're a marathon runner, triathlete or 100m sprinter, the ability to outpace your opponent in the closing metres is crucial.

So often, the difference between winning and losing is measured in millimetres. And, sadly, no-one ever remembers the losers...

Ball players, too, need serious speed. The kind of red-hot reaction that propels a tennis player across the court so quickly his opponent has no time to move... that rockets a rugby wing past the opposition to the try line... or allows a football forward to outpace a defender and slam the ball into the back of the net.

That's why I'm sure this breakthrough training resource – the Peak Performance 3-Month Speed Training Programme – will be hugely popular with athletes who are serious about speed.

In just 90 days, you can take your capacity for generating fast-paced movements to the next level and see huge improvements both in and out of the sporting arena throughout 2011.

This best-selling course is just one in our 'Personal Training Online' series, and it takes a specialist approach to this crucial aspect of winning sports performance.

So it's concise, authoritative – and, above all, practical.

Click here to achieve this Easter Target with Peak Performance.

The 'secrets' of speed training: no jargon, no bull-dust theories... just the facts

What sets our training information apart from the rest? In a word: science. Or, more specifically, sports science. Because at Peak Performance we've been publishing the very best sports science training tips and techniques for years – via our web site and monthly newsletter, and in a host of special reports and workbooks.

So you can be sure that every word of the Peak Performance 3-Month Speed Training Programme rests on a solid, proven scientific foundation. And that you'll get the definitive answers you need.

If there's one piece of information you'll take away from this specialist training programme, it's this: the idea that people are "born fast" so you can't do very much to increase your speed, is NONSENSE.

The fact of the matter is this: EVERY athlete can get faster... if they know how. And our 90-day programme shows you exactly what to do, step by step, week by week.

Of course, some individuals are born with an unusually-high amount of speed- and power-producing fast twitch muscle fibres that makes them naturally fast and explosive. Just look at Usain Bolt. While the rest of us, like me, have a more even distribution between fast- and slow-twitch (aerobic, endurance orientated) muscle fibres.

Which means it's essential that we know the right way to train our bodies to boost our speed – in particular our muscles' fibres (and our neuromuscular and central nervous system).

The Peak Performance sprint training programme is specially designed to do exactly this – and in the most efficient, effective way possible.

In short, it's everything you need to know about how to get fast – so you can win more often.

And because the 3-Month Speed Training Programme is available to you as a PDF download, you can put the ideas it contains into practice right away…

So here's my personal promise to you: at the end of just 3 months
you'll be faster than ever on the road, the court, the running
track or the playing field.

2011 will be the year you make your mark in the sporting arena. And all because you had the right tools to satisfy your need for speed.

As a subscriber to our weekly Sports Performance Bulletin, you're invited to get your copy of this training program TODAY at an exclusive Easter Target discount price – but for a LIMITED time only. (More details on how to get your copy below.)

Where else can you find such cutting-edge advice in one place – and all of it based on the very latest sports science research?

As some of our recent Peak Performance customers put it:

"I like to know that I am getting information that the average person doesn't. This makes me feel like I'm one step ahead of my competition."
Gary Barnes, Triathlete, Australia

"Peak Performance has meant I can outrun 25 year-olds on the basketball court for over 2 hours (I am 43!) A highly reliable source of information that can explain the science behind improving and sustaining athletic performance without unnecessary technicality. It certainly makes me sound smarter when I talk about all things related to athletics."
Sermet Yalcinkaya, Basketball Player, Canada

"Training advice from Peak Performance has helped me to improve by using the correct exercises and strategies. I have also learned to get the maximum training effect with less time spent than in the past.

A must for anyone wanting to keep abreast with the latest knowledge on sports performance."
Geoff Lienert, Distance Runner, New Zealand

"Academically rigorous, topical, 'elite' standard sports research. Translates research findings into easy to follow, practical, training and racing guidelines and tips."
Stephen Cardiff, CEO, Masters Swimming Australia

If you're really serious about achieving your maximum sporting potential in 2011, maybe it's time to take advantage of the latest speed-training science – and steal a march on your competitors!

Get your copy of the Peak Performance 3-Month Speed Training Programme TODAY, at our special, 50%-discount, Easter Target price. What's more, you've got 30 days in the convenience of your own home or sports club to decide whether or not you want to keep the program or return it for a full refund.

So make sure you order your copy TODAY.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Pye
Publisher, Peak Performance

Click here to go to our special, 50% discount offer. Or read on to learn more about the Peak Performance '3-Month Speed Training Programme'

Who will benefit most from the Peak Performance 3-month Speed Programme?

Footballers, rugby players, hockey players, tennis players and other racquet sport athletes as well as, more obviously, sprinters and track and field horizontal and vertical jump athletes, will derive particular benefit from the programme.

Distance runners can also benefit, perhaps as a break from their normal steady-state aerobic based workouts and also as a way to boost their running economy and speed. This is because the faster runner – whatever their distance – will be the winning athlete.

However, the 3-Month Speed Training Programme is suitable for all sportsmen and sportswomen who have been training consistently for a sport or in the gym for at least a year.

NB: Whatever your sport, you will need to have some basic strength levels and fitness before commencing the programme. These workouts are not for beginners.

Speed training is very demanding and it places considerable strain on the body – in particular its soft tissue (ligaments, tendons and muscles). So although the programme is progressive and develops speed and condition gradually, it is advantageous to have a base of fitness on which to build more specific and (positively) stressful speed specific fitness.

Do I need any specific equipment?

All the workouts use equipment that should easily be available.

For the majority of the sprint work a running track is ideal, but dry flat grass will also be suitable. Do not train regularly on concrete because of the heavy impact forces involved. However, the occasional hill sprint session is acceptable on this surface – although these sessions should preferably be performed on suitable grassy terrain.

You'll also need a stopwatch – and ideally a training partner/coach so that you can record your times accurately. Note also: for some of the very heavy weight training sessions you'd be advised to have a training partner on hand to spot for you.

What Clothing and Footwear are required?

Depending on the time of the year you'll need gear that keeps you warm or cool and dry. However, whatever the climatic conditions you should wear kit that enables you to move freely.

Long or short sports tights are a good investment – these may or may not offer compression (compression garments are designed to support the muscles and research indicates that they can boost performance).

Ordinary training shoes will suffice initially for most of the workout, but if you are really serious about developing your speed then purchasing some speed training shoes/racing flats or even spikes will be advantageous. However, if you are not used to the latter you should progress carefully, perhaps only wearing them initially for a couple of runs in a session before wearing them consistently. They offer much less cushioning than training shoes and will place greater strain on your body due to the greater speeds achievable and forces that your body will be subject to.

NB: pay particular attention to your Achilles tendons as they can be subject to soreness/injury even in the best conditioned athletes, when sprint training. Calf raises are included in the Speed Training Programme not only to power up these key sprint muscles but also to promote Achilles tendon resilience.

How often will I need to train?

The programme involves 4-6 sessions each week, designed to gradually progress your speed capability and develop your body's resilience to them over time to avoid potential injury. You'll build towards a peak in your speed by the end of the end of the programme.

Click here to go to our special, 50% discount offer. Or read on to learn more about the Peak Performance '3-Month Speed Training Programme'

The RIGHT Way to Prepare for Speed – what you need to know before you take a single step

At the heart of the Peak Performance Speed Training Programme is a 3-month, step-by-step training programme – everything you need to know to get faster in your chosen sport.

So each of the three training plan's monthly programmes has its designated exercises and systems, designed to build the required muscular strength and suppleness to support increased velocity.

But to get the maximum benefit out of all the time and effort you put into training, you first need to spend a little time getting to understand:

  • the different types of speed (there are 11 in all, believe it or not!)
  • how to warm-up correctly (essential if you are to avoid injury there and then, or further down the line)
  • and how best to combine plyometric and strength training with your work on the track (running drills alone are not enough for real speed)

So the first section of the Peak Performance 3-Month Speed Training Programme puts your next 3 months' training effort into its proper context.

Because without an adequate understanding of the nature of sport-specific speed, and how to prepare your body properly to training for it, you're unlikely to get the best out of all your hard effort.

This section kicks off with a detailed warm-up programme that you should use prior to every speed training workout. The warm-up is designed not only to raise your body's core temperature, but also to extend your range of mobility and to prepare your central nervous system for the intense efforts to follow.

You should use this workout prior to all your speed sessions. Note in the specific workouts that follow the number of sprint drills – also described as 'dynamic mobility drills' – are denoted. You should select the drills from those listed, and vary them from workout to workout when training. The number of repetitions and the intensities at which they should be performed (where relevant) is given in each workout programme.

It's probably the most comprehensive warm-up
programme you've ever been given!


What then follows is an explanation of the plyometric and weight training exercises integrated into each week of the 3-month training programme. Because to get the very best results, each week you'll be combining sprint and other running drills with strength and conditioning exercises.

It's powerful stuff!

Finally, we explain that different kinds of speed are required depending on the event, or the stage within the event – and how best to train for that. There are some 11 different kinds of speed in all. You'll learn about each one in our 3-Month Speed Training Programme.

Click here to go to our special, 50% discount offer. Or read on to learn more about the 90-day Peak Performance '3-Month Speed Training Programme'

What You Get in Each of The 3 Monthly Speed Training Workouts

Having set out the fundamental building blocks of training for speed, this is where we get to the nitty-gritty – the three monthly training programmes – each of them specifically designed to build on the gains of the previous four weeks.

Each programme tells you EXACTLY what to do, week by week.

You'll find the information in the programmes easy to follow, as it has been defined and explained in the preceding sections.

NB: each session has a 'Content A' and a 'Content B'. These represent the two main parts of the workout, for example, sprints and weight training. You should rest between the two components – the suggested period is indicated in the training programme.

  • Month 1: The primary aim is to prepare your body and mind for sprint training

The majority of the sprint sessions are performed at optimum speeds and below. There is also a slight emphasis on improving your speed endurance, see for example, week 1, session 1, content A – this is designed to boost your ability to handle the anaerobic demands of sprint training.

You need to create within your muscles an elevated capacity to generate and recover quickly from anaerobic training – both within a session (ie between reps) and between sessions. Sprint training relies on the immediate anaerobic energy system, which supplies high-powered energy for up to 6-8sec. It relies on stored body chemicals, such as creatine phosphate and there is no reliance on oxygen to provide energy. Regular speed training will develop the capacity of the body to re-charge more quickly between efforts – boosting your recovery.

Non-track wise, ie with your weights and plyometric training, the first month is designed to develop a base of specific power in your sprinting muscles that will transfer comfortably into out-and-out speed – it's all about putting more horse-power into your muscles.

  • Month 2: The principal aim here is to develop your accelerative capabilities, as 'a quick get-away' is crucial to out-and-out speed development

The weight-training component follows a similar format to the previous month. If you feel that you are becoming fatigued from all the quality high intensity training – and even that you are beginning to feel slower, and not as reactive – then miss the odd session or train very light. Although the speed programme is designed to minimise accumulated fatigue, no two individuals will respond in the same way.

Signs of fatigue in sprint training include: (1) increased ground contact times when doing plyometrics; (2) an inability to lift the same heavy weights as before, and also lifts being performed at slower speeds.

  • Month 3: Building to a peak of speed. Entering the final month of the programme you should be feeling quick, dynamic and powerful

We now begin to taper your training so that in the last week of the three months you should record your fastest sprint times.

This month will really be the 'icing on the cake'. If you've followed the plan exactly, all of your hard work from the previous two months will come together in these final few weeks to help you achieve your best-ever results.

At the end of the month, you'll be ready to take on your competitors and be fired up by your new capability for speed. They won't believe their eyes when you show just how much you've improved – and only in three months.

So there you have it. Everything you need to take your speed to a whole new level – without having to pay hundreds of dollars or pounds to a specialist personal trainer. We tell you what to do – and how to do it right.

So you'll be a significantly faster, more successful
athlete in just 90 days – whatever your sport.


Details of your special, Easter Target discount offer

As a registered member of our Peak Performance web site, you qualify for a copy of the 3-Month Speed Training Programme at a special 50% discount. Place your order today and you pay just $29.99 (£19) instead of the full price of $59.99 (£38).

You save 50%.

And because it's a PDF report, you'll receive it within 24 hours of completing your order.

The 3-Month Speed Training Programme is one of a series of special training programs from Peak Performance, the sports science newsletter. This specialist training programme is not available elsewhere.

Order your copy today and receive the following additional benefits:

  • A $30 saving: the special price of the 3-Month Speed Training Programme is a full US$30.00 (£19) less than the official cover price. You pay just $29.99/£19, instead of the normal price of $59.99/£38
  • Our Unconditional Money-back Guarantee: if, for any reason, you decide the 3-Month Speed Training Programme doesn't deliver what we promise, just let us know. We'll refund your money in full, immediately and without question.

To order your copy, simply go to our secure site, which is administered and guaranteed by Worldpay, and enter your details.

Click here to purchase your speed training programme at a 50% discount via at our secure Worldpay site

Please note, you have received this special offer through your subscription to our weekly email newsletter. To receive the 3-Month Speed Training Programme at the discounted rate of $29.99 (£19), please apply within the next 24 hours by clicking on any one of the links in this message.

Save a Massive 50%.

Note: Stay tuned tomorrow for our next target... building more muscle!

Peak Performance 3-Month Speed Training Programme is published by P2P Publishing. Our UK office is located at 33-41 Dallington Street, London, EC1V 0BB, United Kingdom. Tel: 0845 450 6402 between 09:00 and 17:30 GMT, Monday to Friday.

Our American office is located in 16850-112 Collins Ave 344, Sunny Isles Beach, FL, 33160, United States of America. Tel: 305-956-3992 between 09:00 and 17:00 EST, Monday to Friday (answer phone all other times).

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