Do you buy the typical book about sports training? Do you take advice from the average coach or website? Do you train and condition the same way most other athletes do? Congratulations, you are thoroughly and totally equipped to win medals in 1990 – the year we launched Peak Performance. To be number one in 2011 and beyond, you need to tear up the old rule book ... forget the so-called sports training 'gospel' ... and learn the NEW rules. Since the birth of Peak Performance 20 years ago, there have been enormous advances in sports training and the thinking behind how athletes can fulfil their potential. You need only look at the men's 100m world record (which has been slashed from 9.90secs to 9.58secs), and the growth in people studying and using sports science, to see how far we've come since the nineties. Every month, sports scientists and researchers around the globe break new ground and find ways to make human beings faster and more powerful. By being in tune with this ongoing revolution since our very first issue, Peak Performance has empowered thousands of athletes all over the world to put the old methods aside, and start using advances in sports science to send them straight to the top of the winner's podium. Quite simply, we take the "sacred cows" of sports training and grind them into a hamburger. Chances are that up till now, you've missed out on key know-how and techniques that world-class athletes are already using, that'll make you fitter, stronger, and better than ever. Nuggets like these: - The little-known supplement you should take before exercising that boosts fat burning by a whopping 20%
- How training an often-neglected muscle for just three minutes, twice a day, can dramatically boost aerobic performance (and even help manage the symptoms of asthma)
- Why your coach is wrong when it comes to endurance training – and how a 'train low, train high' approach will help you shatter your personal best
As a Peak Performance member, you'll get all the insider tips and tricks – proven to increase an athlete's performance – BEFORE anyone else. (The average sports person won't get wind of our training and coaching secrets until years later!) What's more, I'm also offering those of you who respond today the chance to receive our special report The Best of The Noughties. This fantastic hard copy book contains every major groundbreaking sports performance research finding of the past decade, which are vitally important today. The Best of The Noughties will give you the most important research findings of the last 10 years to help you achieve training which heralds fantastic results… but is efficient too. But where does Peak Performance get information that "coaches don't know yet"? Our team of certified coaches, personal trainers and nutritionists show you how to implement this knowledge – along with new workouts and exercises – into your existing schedule to deliver results like nothing you've seen before. Plus, you'll continue to get the latest, cutting-edge sports training tips, methods and advice every month in your Peak Performance newsletter. Once you start thinking and training the Peak Performance way, there'll be no looking back. And the cost of joining this exclusive, privileged group? Just $1.97 (GBP £1.20). For less than $2, you'll have access to sporting 'gold dust' like this: - The remarkable mind 'trick' that can trigger vast improvements in sports skills
- An explosive alternative to traditional strength training that delivers impressive results (Clue: start thinking in reverse)
- The 'spring' you should focus on in training for maximum running performance – elite athletes have been doing this for years!
- Plus much, much more...
It's a win-win offer no serious athlete should refuse. Enhanced training, maximum performance and a clear route to gold medal form – all yours for an unbeatable price. So don't get left behind; join the revolution and bring your training into the 21st century TODAY. Peak Performance will not only help you get to the top of your game, it'll keep you there. This will be the best decision you ever made in your career. Order your trial membership to Peak Performance for just $1.97 and receive a FREE hard copy of The Best of The Noughties, or read on to find out more Every major groundbreaking sports performance research finding of the past decade has been reported in Peak Performance The Best of The Noughties puts all of those findings together in one place In this special report, we've gathered together many of the major groundbreaking research findings to emerge over the past decade and which have been reported in Peak Performance. Many of these breakthroughs have completely rewritten the rulebook on training, and even more importantly, all of them can be practically applied to significantly boost your performance. You'll discover revolutionary sport science research like: Oxygen kinetics – start smart for a mean finish! Understanding this process and adjusting your pre-race preparation accordingly can result in truly remarkable performance gains. Compression clothing – What's the science behind compression clothing and how can athletes harness the full potential of these garments? Going for the burn - Fat burning has always been a popular and often-used term among endurance athletes. But 21st Century science is lifting the lid on how best to achieve it. Maximising strength – Is it time to tear up the old rule book? For thousands of years, athletes have used resistance training to increase their strength and performance but 21st Century science is revealing that the traditional methods might not be the most effective way to do this. Explosive strength training – Can it blow away conventional methods? In years gone by, the conventional strength training wisdom has been that performing two or three sets to failure is the best way to achieve rapid strength gains. However, groundbreaking new research suggests that less may actually be more.. Bicarbonate: Why it's making a 21st Century return! It's been used in baking for years and briefly found favour with athletes, but brand new research suggests that taking sodium bicarbonate before you train really could lead to better endurance performance... Order your trial membership to Peak Performance for just $1.97 and receive a FREE hard copy of The Best of The Noughties, or read on to find out more Here is a summary of the amazing package available to you: - FREE hard copy of The Best of The Noughties: Value $59.99
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With your exclusive membership you pay just $1.97 for today only - we normally charge $9.97 for a two-month trial. AND if you don't like what you see, we'll even give you that back. Everything you've received is yours to keep. Order your trial membership to Peak Performance for just $1.97 and receive a FREE hard copy of The Best of The Noughties, or read on to find out more Our members say it best... Who better to tell you about the benefits of joining Peak Performance than our legion of satisfied members! Read on to find out how our expert training advice, tips and techniques have helped them to smash their personal best, and realise their goals: | | "I'm an amateur athlete and having reached a sort of plateau in my performance I wanted something to give me an edge to break into the next level, and with Peak Performance I have found all the answers I was looking for!" Malcolm Attard, Malta |
"I firmly believe that if I continue to train and feed my body properly then it will serve me well for as long as it lasts. Peak Performance has helped me achieve this by providing truly educational material. Everything from running (speed and endurance), to how to gain strength, to how to prevent or treat an injury. There's no other single place on the internet (that I've found) that an athlete can find answers to practically anything. Peak Performance is the first place I go anytime I have a training question or need." Bryan Adair, Boiling Springs, USA | | |
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"Bottom line: PP is an excellent source of updated information. It is very good value for the money - and has helped me in my progression as an athlete and coach. Thanks - and continue the good work." Brian Ulrik Adolfsen, Denmark | | |
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"I already have a sound knowledge in most areas of physical development but Peak Performance provides a more defined explanation and argument regarding certain matters. The thorough research behind the information that PP produces provides me with the most up to date information and in doing so ensures that the advice that I give is correct and current." Samuel Leng, Portsmouth, UK | | |
Meet the Editor… Andrew Hamilton BSc Hons MRSC ACSM Over the past five years, Andrew Hamilton has helped thousands of athletes around the globe to get stronger, faster and fitter than ever by sharing cutting-edge breakthroughs from the world of sports science with them in the pages of Peak Performance. As Editor of the world's leading sports performance newsletter, Andrew continues the work of founder Sylvester Stein, in making the 'secrets' of the sporting elite accessible to every athlete. Coaches and carers benefit from his 'insider' information too - getting everything from training workouts, drills and techniques, to the most efficient methods of injury treatment and prevention. After 25 years in the sports industry (and as a former cyclist, runner and triathlete), Andrew knows the importance of being clued in on the latest developments, not just for shaving off those extra seconds, but for avoiding a season spent on the sidelines. When Andrew first took up running, there was very little in the way of helpful fitness information. But now, hoards of athletes, coaches, injury specialists, sports teams, organisations and more can turn to Andrew and his expert team for the nuggets of knowledge that will translate into gains in the competitive arena. His scientific background and knowledge - acquired through study, teaching and writing - has enabled him to forge contacts with the world's leading sports science researchers. Now, Peak Performance is proud to have several eminent professors and doctors regularly contribute to its pages. This means that our members get their hands on the very latest research directly from the horse's mouth, and way in advance of their competitors! Being a member of Peak Performance is like having your own coach, personal trainer and physio rolled into one - and for a fraction of the cost! Just like the best support team, if there's a question you need answering, Andrew will do everything he can to help you. As a professional member of the American College of Sports Medicine and holder of their 'HFI' award - internationally recognised as the gold standard in fitness teaching and personal training - there's no better person to help you realise your goals. Our members consistently attest to the explosive results they've enjoyed from the advice supplied by Andrew and his team. Join now and you, too, will receive the same level of guidance, tips, and know-how, and see the instant difference it makes to your sport or event. As a keen cyclist, Andrew still trains and competes today. He can often be seen out training on the hills of the English North Pennines, putting some of the latest sport science and nutrition research we report on to the test! Order your trial membership to Peak Performance for just $1.97 and receive a FREE hard copy of The Best of The Noughties, or read on to find out more Your Exclusive Gold Membership Package For just $1.97 (approx GBP £1.20) you get a great Gold Membership Starter package with $212.99+ worth of information and exclusive workouts for your immediate use. You also get a two-month trial membership to the Peak Performance newsletter. As I've said, if you are not happy with your starter package, or with the newsletter itself, we'll send you a full and prompt refund of every penny paid - and you can keep all issues and bonuses received absolutely free. That way, our research will have cost you nothing. Since 1990, thousands of athletes and coaches have relied on the cutting edge scientific research in Peak Performance to help them win more events - and boost their performance to the next level. To activate your trial membership and get your hands on your limited availability starter package - Total value: $212.99+ Cost just: $1.97 (approx GBP £1.20) I hope you enjoy The Best of The Noughties, the members package and the newsletter itself. If you're anything like me (and I think you are) I'm confident you'll be begging me for more of the same! Let me know how you find the exercises and about the improvement you see in your performances. Train Smarter Not Harder! Yours Sincerely,  Jonathan Pye Publisher, Peak Performance PS Don't forget - everything you get is yours to keep and we'll even refund the $1.97 admin fee if you decide not to continue. |
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